在西域有一群身怀绝技的人,他们从事着古老而神秘的职业,用骆驼护送货物辗转各地,被称为骆驼客。戈师傅(刘小宁 饰)拥有过人的弓箭技巧,是当地最负盛名的驼队首领,这次,他的驼队刚刚踏上古老驼道,就遭遇到一场惊心动魄的疯狂追杀。心怀鬼胎的队友,女儿(陈旭竹 饰)与徒弟(张玉龙 饰)之间的意乱情迷,危机重重之际,他们走上的很可能是一条不归路。忠诚与背叛,他们能否坚守侠客的信义?在箭与枪的交锋中,谁成为最后的赢家?
- 7.0谍之心
- 5.0猿猴大战机械猿猴2023动作,科幻简介:Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape but its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.
- 7.0贪婪
- 2.0要敌
- 2.0谍影追凶
- 1.0谍之屋